Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A survey for Homeschooled girls ages 17-32!

Taken from

Click here for the survey.
Last fall Tricia M. interviewed over 500 public-schooled girls in her hometown about their life and career choices. She hopes to get at least that many responses from homeschooled girls in order to compare the results. This survey should only take two minutes. Please send this on to your friends, and thank you for your time! [Note that you can also share this survey with friends through Facebook. Pass the word!]


We're still working on the new Stay at Home Daughters, but in the meantime I wanted to pass this along to our readers!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hello faithful readers! Just wanted to let you know that we haven't forgotten about you! Actually, quite the contrary. We're in the process of redesigning and reconfiguring the entire site premise, so hang tight! It's sure to be a change for the better. ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Talks: A Maiden In Waiting

Today is Tuesday Talks here at Stay-At-Home Daughters.

I am reviewing "A Maiden In Waiting", compiled by Crystal Paine.

This booklet is really good. Basically, it is filled with articles and testimonies from young women just like us, sharing what they are learning in their single years about contentment.

Some of the articles include:
"Trust and Obey" by Genevieve Smith (now Genenvieve Smith De Deugd)
"Her Price is Far Above Rubies" by Annie Kolb
"Service: The Key to Contentment" by Sarah Race
"Wait on the Lord" by Victoria Lind
and several more!

I really enjoyed reading this. I know you will too!

We would love to read your reviews! Leave your link below and don't forget to comment! :)

God bless,

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wise Insights from a Fellow Stay-at-Home Daughter

With all the hullaballoo about the new vice presidential candidate, stay-at-home daughter Jasmine Baucham shares "Ten Reasons why I Don't Want to Be VP."

I thought you would be delighted and encouraged by this post, so I'm linking you to it!

Here's reason number 9 in Jasmine's post, just to get you interested,
As a woman who hopes someday to be a wife and mother, I want to give my household 100%; not 80% for the nation, 20% for my household; not 50% for the nation, 50% for my household; not 90% for my household and 10% for the nation; I want to give everything I can to the home I have been called by God Almighty to guard (Titus 2:3-5), to the family He may make me the mother of.

While on the issue of Sarah Palin, these are very much worth reading, from some of my very favorite bloggers.

"Woe to My people..."

McCain's Biblically Unqualified VP Pick a "Feminist for Life"

Wake Up and Smell the Manipulation