Hello there!
I hope that this Friday finds you well. I know that our day has been lovely.
Several people have asked me about what kinds of things I do while serving here at home. I thought I would answer some of those questions tonight.
First of all, a typical daily schedule for me looks something like this:
5:00 -I get up for the day and I do my Bible/quiet time, and then start my school work, and continue school until 7:00.
7:00 - Make bed/clean room/get dressed, and if Mom hasn't started a load of laundry, I start one.
7:30 - Straighten zone (my zone is the kitchen, and I usually use this time to clean glass, wipe out the refrigerator, dust, etc.)
8:00 - Eat breakfast/kitchen clean up, swap laundry out (I usually just load the washing machine, most of the time my younger siblings take care of loading/unloading the dryer),and I usually do some school reading here (currently it is Tithing and Dominion, and it is a great book!)
9:00 - Read-alouds/school work
10:00 - School hour with little ones (I do the music lessons and phonics lessons)
11:00 - Piano practice
11:30 - Violin practice
12:00 - Eat lunch/kitchen clean up/straighten house quickly, and do some school reading
1:00 - Finish school, start web work (my family owns several web based businesses)
3:00 - Straighten house, and then we usually go outside for a little bit. I usually to some school reading here as well.
After that, we usually cook dinner and do a nice evening routine(including spending lots of time with Dad when he comes home from work)
This is a very loose schedule. In my spare minutes, I finish any leftover chores or school, help with the laundry, help my Mom with anything she needs, hold little Jon, spend time with my siblings, work on house renovations, sew or craft, blog, bake little goodies, enjoy corresponding with several pen pals, do additional music practice, and all sorts of things! We also have scripture cd's, lecture cd's and other misc. school cd's while we are cleaning or not doing sit down school work.
It is very easy to stay busy at home, which is my Biblical place. I enjoy helping my Father in business, helping Mom with the children or the house, etc.
Some of the questions I get are:
Do you ever get tired of being at home? Wouldn't you rather be out with your friends?First of all, I never tire of being here at home. It is the best place in the world for me! There is always a batch of cookies to make, a neighbor to visit, a new pattern to sew, a bathroom to renovate, or a home business to help with! My house is the most exciting place in the world!What about a job? Don't you want to have a job so that you can support yourself? Why would I want to further a stranger's business, when I could be furthering my Father's business instead? I find great pleasure in helping my Dad with our businesses and being entrepreneurial with my family.Which leads me to the next question,
What do you actually do for your business?I learned to program HTML and ASP last year, so my brother and I are in charge of a lot of the background operations on our websites. I also help to take the pictures for the websites, and I am currently working on several Ebooks to be launched in the spring.Well, helping your Dad is nice, but what if my Dad doesn't have a business?There are lots of ways to help your Dad, even if he is not in business in a way you can help. Ask him about his vision for your family. Ask if there is anything you can help him with outside of doing business. When we were renovating the mstr. bathroom in my home, my Dad and I hung the cement board for the tub surround. It was a nice time simply to talk to him and ask him about things we planned to do for the next year or so.---------------------------------
If you have any questions for me, you can leave a comment below, and I will get back to you asap!
Wishing you a good night,